Technisch Handelsbureau Pappot B.V. is established in Mijdrecht, the Netherlands. It is run by Carlo Pappot.
After finishing the School of Technical educations in Utrecht, Carlo has been working as a project manager for different companies. Then he took care of the trading part of the gas and fluidsystems division at Stork for several years. At the end of 2005 Stork gave up the trading part, and THP was born.
Now, over fifteen years later, THP is the official distributor for over ten manufacturers from Europe, Canada and the United States. That is one of the reasons THP has a wide range of products on stock which can be delivered to our customers quickly.
At THP there’s plenty of knowledgement and experience present to give advise on the different products. Carlo attends courses and training on a regular basis to expand his knowledgement and to keep it up to date.
Anne-Marie Spaargaren is also working at THP. She takes care of a part of the paperwork and orders.
THP is a member of the Dutch Propane Association. This association is there for advising the members and goverment regarding safety, environment and technical support with liquified gas installations. For more information: